Within all humans there exists the need, a longing, to be documented and valued in some way. It has been said that for some this is, indeed, their #1 moving need. In spite of the degree, people do want to be validated and know that they matter in this world and that they are valued.
It would be difficult to differ with that.
Expressing thanks, or recognizing someone for the optimistic collision they have made in our life, may appear simple on the outside. However, in today's world the line between thinking it and saying it becomes indistinct.
A sincere recognition is never forgotten even years later! Never.
That is the magical power of acknowledgment and appreciation. It affects both the giver and receiver!
We want persons all around the world to experience their own "magical moments" where one act of recognition and appreciation is shared and remembered even years later.
If you ever take the time to honor and acknowledge someone special in your life, you will never be the same-nor will the hero in your life!
It is emotional.
It is powerful.
And it can change the world!
It is not the right thing to do "sometime"...it is the right thing to do now!